15.05.2005, 15:41 Uhr
Supertux (Operator)
Ich habe mir meine eigene Template Klasse geschrieben, weil die anderen die im Netz gibt, fand ich zu übertriebend. Ansonten siehe hier: www.dev-geeks.org/index.php?module=scripts&sub=4&action=show&id=8 aber ich habe schon paar Stellen geändert:
PHP 4: |
<?php /******************************************************** * The source code is the source code of a free software * * and may be used under the term of the general public * * license (GPL) of the free software fundation. * * * * Author: Pablo Yanez Trujillo * * Filename: scripts/class.Template.php * * Date: 28.05.04 * *********************************************************/
/* File description: Creates a class that parse templates */
if(!defined("INDEX")) die("Access denied");
define("FILE_NOT_FOUND", 1); define("FILE_NO_ACCESS", 2); define("WRONG_TEMPLATE", 3); define("PARSE_ERROR", 4); define("WRONG_ASSIGN", 5); define("WRONG_ORDER", 6);
$err_db = array( FILE_NOT_FOUND => "file not found", FILE_NO_ACCESS => "access denied", WRONG_TEMPLATE => "your templates array is wrong or you didn't pass an array", PARSE_ERROR => "errors while parsing", WRONG_ASSIGN => "you have used the assign method bad", WRONG_ORDER => "you must use set_templates before using change_templates" );
/****************************************************** ** * Class EasyTemplate * * Synopsis: This class reads template file (.tpl) and * parse them with the text you set on it. This is very * useful, when you want to separate your php code from * the layout of the website. * * You are able to create indepent scripts (login procedure, * and so on) without thinking about the layout. * * @author Pablo Yanez Trujillo * @copyright (C) Pablo Yanez Trujillo, 2004 * @version 0.0.2 ********************************************************/
class EasyTemplate { /** * Contains the whole body of the template * @var mixed * @access public */ var $tpl_body = ""; /** * Contains the directory where the templates * are saved * @var mixed * @access public */ var $tpl_location = ""; /** * Array with filelist * @var mixed * @access public */ var $tpl_filelist = array(); /** * Array with the variable to be parsed * @var mixed * @access public */ var $tpl_parse_vars = array(); /** * last error id. if 0 no error * @var mixed * @access public */ var $tpl_err_number = 0; /** * last error message, if $this->tpl_parse_vars=0 * then the string is empty * @var mixed * @access public */ var $tpl_err_msg="";
function check_for_errors() { global $err_db; if ($this->tpl_err_number) { $msg = "Error using QuickTemplate class<p>\n"; $msg = "\"" . $this->tpl_err_msg . "\", "; $msg .= "exiting with error <b>" . $this->tpl_err_number; $msg .= "</b>: <i>" . $err_db[$this->tpl_err_number] ."</i>\n"; die($msg); } }
function clear_err_flags() { $this->tpl_err_number=0; $this->tpl_err_msg=""; }
/** * * Creates a new template. If path is not passed * QuickTemplate uses the current directory. * * @return mixed Description * @access public * @see QuickTemplate */ function EasyTemplate($path=".") { if ($path[strlen($path)-1]!="/") $path .= "/"; $this->tpl_location=$path; }
/** * * Pass an array with the alias and only the file name * of the template. Example * $tpl->set_templates(array('main' => 'main.tpl')); * * @access public * @see QuickTemplate */ function set_templates($templates_array) { $this->clear_err_flags(); if ($templates_array==array()) { $this->tpl_err_number=WRONG_TEMPLATE; $this->tpl_err_msg="You passed an empty array"; } elseif (!is_array($templates_array)) { $this->tpl_err_number=WRONG_TEMPLATE; $this->tpl_err_msg="You have to use an array"; } else { $this->tpl_filelist=$templates_array; } $this->check_for_errors(); }
/** * * The array you may pass have to have the same format as the one of the * set_templates function. You can change with this function the files of * your templates and even add new templates. Take care of the key names * because if you use key, that has been already used, the key will be * overwritten by the new value. You can use this function only when you used * set_templates at least one time. * * @return nothing * @access public * @see set_templates */ function change_templates($templates_array) { $this->clear_err_flags(); if ($templates_array==array()) { $this->tpl_err_number=WRONG_TEMPLATE; $this->tpl_err_msg="You passed an empty array"; } elseif (!is_array($templates_array)) { $this->tpl_err_number=WRONG_TEMPLATE; $this->tpl_err_msg="You have to use an array"; } elseif ($this->tpl_filelist==array()) { $this->tpl_err_number=WRONG_ORDER; $this->tpl_err_msg="Wrong order by calling the functions"; } else { $this->tpl_filelist = array_merge($this->tpl_filelist, $templates_array); } $this->check_for_errors(); }
/** * * Set the $content of $varname of $alias template. * If $add=1, then you will add the new content to the old content. * When you parse the contents will be deleted * * @return array Description * @access public * @see set_templates */
function assign($alias, $varname="", $content="", $add=1) { /* This function checks first whether $alias is an array. If so, then the new assign version is used, varname, content and add must be blank. */ $this->clear_err_flags();
if (is_array($alias)) { if($varname!="" or $content!="" or $add != 1) { $this->tpl_err_number=WRONG_ASSIGN; $this->tpl_err_msg="All other arguments must be blank"; } else { $this->__assign_a($alias); } } else /* old function */ $this->__assign_t($alias, $varname, $content, $add); $this->check_for_errors(); }
function __assign_a($arr) { if ($arr==array()) { $this->tpl_err_number=WRONG_ASSIGN; $this->tpl_err_msg="This is blank array"; return; }
foreach($arr as $array => $value) { $alias = $value['alias']; unset($value['alias']); $add = isset($value['add']) ? $value['add'] : 0; unset($value['add']); foreach($value as $key => $val) { $this->__assign_t($alias, $key, $val, $add); } } }
function __assign_t($alias, $varname, $content, $add) { /*echo "<pre>\n"; echo "\$this->tpl_parse_vars\n"; print_r($this->tpl_parse_vars); echo "</pre>\n"; debug information only! */ $this->clear_err_flags(); if (!isset($this->tpl_parse_vars[$alias][$varname])) $this->tpl_parse_vars[$alias][$varname]=""; if ($add) { $this->tpl_parse_vars[$alias][$varname] .= $content; } else { $this->tpl_parse_vars[$alias][$varname] = $content; } } /** * * returns the body that was parsed * * @return mixed Description * @access public * @see parse */ function get_body() { $this->clear_err_flags(); return $this->tpl_body; }
/** * * If you want to get the content of a template file * you have to parse the template. $alias is the alias * name of a template. You have to call set_template and * assign before parse. Parse open the template file and then * search for variables and change their values. If the alias * wasn't assigned before, then parse won't be able to work. * You can get the parse text with the function get_body(). * When the parse process is done, the temporal variable with * the parse temprals will be deleted. When you parse again, * you will loose the old content. * * @return mixed Description * @access public * @see assign,get_body */ function parse($alias, $clear=1) { $this->clear_err_flags(); /* check whether assign was made */ if (!isset($this->tpl_parse_vars[$alias])) { /* template contains only text */ $this->tpl_parse_vars=array_merge($this->tpl_parse_vars,array($alias => array())); /*$this->tpl_err_number=PARSE_ERROR; $this->tpl_err_msg = "Alias '$alias' was not set, yet"; $this->check_for_errors(); old style, don't use it! */ } /* check whether set_templates was made */ if(!isset($this->tpl_filelist[$alias])) { $this->tpl_err_number=PARSE_ERROR; $this->tpl_err_msg = "Alias '$alias' is not known"; $this->check_for_errors(); } /* check wheter file exists */ $fn = $this->tpl_location . $this->tpl_filelist[$alias]; if(!file_exists($fn)) { $this->tpl_err_number=FILE_NOT_FOUND; $this->tpl_err_msg = "Error while opening the file <b>$fn</b>"; $this->check_for_errors(); } $file = @fopen($fn, "r"); if (!$file) { $this->tpl_err_number=FILE_NO_ACCESS; $this->tpl_err_msg = "File <b>$fn</b> cannot be opend"; $this->check_for_errors(); } $this->tpl_body=""; while(!feof($file)) { $buffer = fgets($file); foreach($this->tpl_parse_vars[$alias] as $key => $value) { $buffer = ereg_replace("\{$key\}", $value, $buffer); } $this->tpl_body.=$buffer; } @fclose($file); if ($clear) $this->tpl_parse_vars[$alias]=array(); }
/** * * This is the short Description for the Function * * This is the long description for the Class * * @return mixed Description * @access public * @see ?? */
function multiparse($array, $clear=1) { $this->clear_err_flags(); if ($array == array()) { $this->tpl_err_number=PARSE_ERROR; $this->tpl_err_msg = "This is an empty array"; $this->check_for_errors(); }
/* Read the array */ foreach($array as $parse => $value) { if(isset($value['last']) and $value['last']==1) { $this->parse($value[0], $clear); } else {
$this->parse($value[0], $clear); $add = (isset($value[3]) and !$value[3]) ? 0 : 1; $this->assign($value[1], $value[2], $this->get_body(), $add); } }
$this->check_for_errors(); } }
Hier ein Beispiel, wie ich sie immer benutze:
PHP 4: |
if(!defined("INDEX")) die("Access denied");
if(!@include("class.EasyTemplate.php")) die("<b>Critical error</b><p>Cannot include Template engine");
/* each file must declare: $website ==> template file $title ==> Titel
the website-template has alias `page` and the main page alias `main_page`
if(!isset($website)) die("<b>Critical error</b><p>Cannot read template file");
if(!isset($title)) die("<b>Critical error</b><p>Cannot read the title of the file");
$template = new EasyTemplate("templates");
$template->set_templates(array('main_page' => 'page.html', 'page' => $website));
$template->assign('main_page', 'TITLE', htmlentities($title)); ?>
PHP 4: |
if(!defined("INDEX")) die("Access denied");
$template->multiparse(array(array('page', 'main_page', 'MAIN'), array('last' => 1, 'main_page')));
echo $template->get_body();
PHP 4: |
define("INDEX", "1");
$website = "index.html"; $title = "INDEX";
/* zum beispiel hier braucht man nichts */
PHP 4: |
define("INDEX", "1");
$website = "media.html"; $title = "MEDIA";
/* hier könnte man irgendetwas tun, z.b. aus 3 Namen einen zufällig wählen */
$namen = array('Marc', 'Florian', 'Pablo');
$name = $namen[rand()%3];
$template->assign('page', 'USER', htmlentities($name));
/* oder auch so, ganz nützlich, wenn man mehrere alias auf einmal setzen will, oder mehrere Variablen eines alias setzen will
$template->assign(array(array('alias' => 'page', 'USER' => htmlentities($name), 'ANDERE VARIABLE 1' => ???, 'ANDERE VARIABLE 2' => ???, 'USW...' => ???)));
PHP 4: |
define("INDEX", "1");
$website = "audio.html"; $title = "AUDIO";
/* neue templates hinzufügen */ $template->change_templates(array('table' => 'tabelle.html'));
$template->assign(array(array('alias' => 'page', 'USER' => 'Finrod Felagund', 'SOHNVON' => 'Finarfins Sohn'),
array('alias' => 'table', 'VATER' => 'Finarfin', 'KIND1' => 'Finrod Felagund', 'KIND2' => 'Orodreth', 'KIND3' => 'Angrod', 'KIND4' => 'Aegnor', 'KIND5' => 'Galadriel')));
/* Template `table` in Variable page->{TABELLE} einbinden */
$template->multiparse(array(array('table', 'page', 'TABELLE')));
Template XHTML: |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="de" lang="de"> <head> <title>Sample Page - [{TITLE}]</title> <meta name="author" content="Pablo Yanez Trujillo" /> <meta name="Audience" content="Alle" /> <meta name="Expires" content="0" /> <meta http-equiv="Expires" content="0" /> <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache" /> <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache" /> <meta name="Robots" content="INDEX,FOLLOW" /> <meta name="Revisit-After" content="5 days" /> </head> <body> <p> {MAIN} </p> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td class="copyright" align="right" style="border:1px solid black; margin:0px;padding:5px;"> <center><span style="font-size:65%; color: #6c6d6e">Sample Page - Version 1.0.0<br /> <abbr title="Fun-Soft Administration Portal - Version 1.0.0">Copyright © by Pablo Yánez Trujillo, Apr. 2005. All rights reserved</abbr></span></center></td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>
Template XHTML: |
Hallo! Das ist eine Testseite.<br /><br /> Nun, hie ein Paar Links:<br /> <a href="media.php">media.php</a><br /> <a href="audio.php">audio.php</a>
Template XHTML: |
Hallo <b>{USER}</b><br /><br /> Du bist in media.php! <a href="index.php">[Zurück]</a>
Template XHTML: |
Hallo <b>{USER}, {SOHNVON}</b><br /><br /> Du bist in audio.php! Und das Beste ist, dass der XHTML Code vom PHP Code getrennt ist, supi! <a href="index.php">[Zurück]</a><br /> Hier eine Tabelle:</p> {TABELLE} <p>Cool, oder?
Template XHTML: |
<table border="1" align="center"> <tr> <th colspan="5">Die Kinder von {VATER}</th> </tr> <tr> <td>{KIND1}</td> <td>{KIND2}</td> <td>{KIND3}</td> <td>{KIND4}</td> <td>{KIND5}</td> </tr> </table>
Ein funktionierendes Beispiel @ http://fun-soft.ra-doersch.de/admin/test/ -- A! Elbereth Gilthoniel! silivren penna míriel o menel aglar elenath, Gilthoniel, A! Elbereth! Dieser Post wurde am 15.05.2005 um 15:56 Uhr von Pablo editiert. |